SC Lexington County
SC Lexington County
Lexington County Probate Court
Estate Index

Main Index

1940 - 1975 M - Q



First Letters of Surname Page
Maa-Mab-Mac to Mal 17
Mam-Man-Mao-Map-Maq 19
Mar 21-1, 21-2
Mas-Mat 23
Mau to May-Maz 25
McA-McB 27
McC 29-1, 29-2
McD-McE-McF 31
McG 33
McH-McI-McJ-McK-McL 35
McM-McN to McZ 37
Mea to Mel 39-1, 39-2
Mem-Men-Meo-Mep-Meq 41
Mer-Mes-Met to Mey-Mez 43-1, 43-2
Meetze, Metz, Metze, Metts 40-1, 40-2
Mia to Mic-Mid to Mil 39-1, 39-2
Mim-Min-Mio-Mip-Miq 41
Mir-Mis-Mit-Miz 43-1, 43-2
Moa-Mon-Moo to Moq 45-1, 45-2
Mor-Mos-Mot-Mou to Moz 47
Mu 49
My 43-1, 43-2
Names Beginning M not above classified 51(No Names in Index)
Na 53(No Names in Index)
Ne 55
Ni 57
No 59
Nu-Ny 61
Names Beginning N not above classified 61
O Oa-Ol 63
O'B to O'L 63
Om to Oz 65-1, 65-2
O'M to O'Z 65-1, 65-2
P Paa to Pal to Paq 67
Par-Pas-Pat-Pan to Paz 69-1,69-2
Pea to Pec to Pel 71
Pem-Pen-Peo-Pep-Peq 73
Per-Pes-Pet to Pez 73 , 75
Pf-Ph 77
Pia to Pic to Pil 71
Pim-Pin-Pio-Pip-Piq 73
Pir-Pis-Pit to Piz 75
Pl 77
Po 79-1, 79-2
Pr 81-1, 81-2,81-3
Pu-Py 83
Names Beginning P not above classified 83
Q Q 85