SC Lexington County
SC Lexington County
Lexington County Probate Court
Estate Index

Main Index

1940 - 1975 D - F



First Letters of Surname Page
Daa to Dan to Daq 61
Dar to Dau-Dav to Daz 63-1, 63-2
Dea to Dec to Del-Dem 65
Den to Dev to Dez 67
Derrick 68-1, 68-2
Dia to Dic to Dil-Dim 65
Din to Dix to Diz 67
Doa to Dol-Dom-Don 69
Doo to Dor-Dos-Dot 71
Dou to Dow to Doy-Doz 71
Dr 73-1, 73-2
Du-Dv-Dw 75-1, 75-2
Dx-Dy-Dz 75-1, 75-2
Names beginning D not classified above 75-1, 75-2
Ea-Eb-Ec-Ed 1-1, 1-2
Ee-Ef-Eg-Eh-Ei-Ej-Ek 3
El 5
Em-En-Eo 7
Ep-Eq-Er 9
Es-Et-Eu-Ev 11
Ew-Ex-Ey-Ez 11
Faa to Fai to Fal 13
Fam-Fan to Far to Faz 15
Fea to Fei to Fel 17
Fem-Fen to Fer to Fez 19
Fia to Fie to Fil 17
  Fim-Fin to Fir to Fiz 19
Fl 21
Foa to Fol  to Fop -Foq 23
For-Fos to Fox to Foz 25
Fr 27-1, 27-2
Fu-Fy 29-1, 29-2
Names beginning F not classified above 29-1, 29-2