SC Lexington County
SC Lexington County
Lexington County Probate Court
Estate Index

Main Index

1865 - 1940 J - L



First Letters of Surname Page
Ja 77
Je-Ji 79
Jo 81-1, 81-2
Ju-Jy 83
Names Beginning J not above classified 83
Ka 85
Kea to Kee to Kel-Kem 87
Ken to Ker to Key-Kez 89
Kia to Kie to Kil-Kim 87
Kin to Kir to Kiz 89
Kl-Km-Kn 91
Ko-Kp-Kq 93
Kr-Ks-Kt 95
Ku-Kv-Kw-Kx-Ky-Kz 97
Names Beginning K not above classified 97
Laa to Lai to Lam 1
Lan to Law to Laz 3
Lea to Lee to Lek 5-1, 5-2
Lel-Lem-Len-Leo to Leq 7
Ler to Lev-Lew to Lez 9
Lia to Lig to Lik 5-1, 5-2
Lil-Lim-Lin to Liq 7
Lir-Lis-Lit to Liz 9
Ll 13-1, 13-2
Loa-Lob-Loc to Lom 11(No Names in Index)
Lon to Low to Loz 13-1, 13-2
Long 14
Lu-Ly 15-1, 15-2
Names Beginning L not above classified 15-1, 15-2